Top 10 Common Misconceptions about Anime

Beelzebub ~ Courtesy of GIPHY

Konnichiwa Mina-san! Or should I say: HELLO EVERYONE and WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG! Today we are going to keep with the "Introduction to Anime" related theme and have our first "Top 10's" post starting with the "Top 10 Common Misconceptions about Anime!"  
Now, this is a topic that I could go on and on about, and have rant upon rant about, BUT I shall keep it reasonable....maybe...hopefully...we'll just see how long you stick around.  ~ヾ(^∇^)
Anywho, anime has quite the reputation here in the USA and I can honestly say that most of its rep isn't the prettiest. This can especially be said about Anime Fans themselves. Many believe that anime is a subcategory of cartoons that are obsessive and for the immature type of person which leads to the misconception that all "anime nerds" are antisocial, obsessive (a.k.a. weeboos), and deviants. Not to mention the matter of the increased hentai (erotic anime) presence on the internet (thank you technology for spreading some weird stuff!), people tend to think we all are perverts into what is not-so-fondly-known as "tentacle porn" (that's a whole different story.) Overall,  people would rather see us as a weird group of people who like to watch strange, animated, perverted shows that come from Japan rather than actually taking a moment and looking just below the surface of what they seem to think is the truth about a topic they most likely know zero to no information about.
With that said. Let's get this party started shall we and see what are the top things that people commonly misconstrue about anime.
ONWARDS! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Courtesy of GIPHY
#1: "Anime and Cartoons are the same thing!" .....б(*`・´)∂....!!
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Courtesy of

Stop. Just...Stop. Anime are NOT cartoons. One of the only commonalities between anime and cartoons is the fact that they are both animated. Simple as that. There are a multitude of items that differentiate them from one another. For example, there are a variety of different series that discuss adult-themed and dark topics such as that of rape, genocide, death, and other mature social themes that you normally wouldn't see in an animated feature. Now, come on, would you show your kids those types of shows? (Well, I would, but that's another story in and of itself....they can't be sheltered forever...BUT for the popular vote, most won't.)

#2: "Anime = Nothing but cartoon porn" ...(¬_¬)...

Jiraiya ~ Naruto -Courtesy of GIPHY
Okay, so let's get this part straight, just as there are "regular" movies and "Pornos" with non-animated films, there SOME anime that are considered pornographic refered to as "Hentai"(more explicit/harder porn) (hehe pun intended) or "Ecchi"(the softer/less explicit version). However, most anime are NOT pornographic and actually have well thought out plot lines and developed characters to lead you on various non-naked adventures. Also, most anime lovers, do not watch hentai (trust me, they get weird. Not good to watch if you don't want your brain scarred and strange things imprinted into your memory. I say that from curiosity gone wrong.... \(T∇T)/)  

#3: "Anime have no storyline, they are just for kids!" (;¬_¬).....

Shigure~ Fruits Basket Courtesy of GIPHY
Man, what shows have YOU been watching? Granted, just as with regular movies and televisions shows, there ARE some anime series that don't have much going for it except aesthetics (if even that) but there are plenty more that have not only phenomenal art, but freaking FANTASTIC storylines! I mean, there are shows that go so deep on certain topics and the character development is SO good that you grow immensely attached to these characters and get the feels during the craziness of the show. Prime examples: Naruto, Sailor Moon (the ORIGINAL Japanese version), and Full Metal Alchemist. These are by far my FAVORITE "classics" to date and I have no shame in admitting that I've cried several times whilst watching these series. It doesn't matter how many often I re-watch them and KNOW what tear jerking parts come up. I can still find myself reaching for the tissue box and shedding a few tears.

#4: "All Anime fans are Weeboos"ヾ(。`Д´。)ノ彡☆......

Image result for weeaboo gif

First off, the term: “Weeboo”. For those of you that aren’t familiar with it, “Weeboo”  is a word that is used to describe people who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese culture/Anime etc. and try to act as if they were a native Japanese individual even though they are evidently NOT.  They even go as far as trying to use Japanese words/phrases on the regular and usually wind up using they completely in the wrong context and mispronouncing them. Now, don’t get me wrong, there ARE some people who are like this. Just like in ANY fandom. Be it sports, movie buffs, antiques, etc. You are going to get those few who tend to take things to the extreme. But, you should let those small groups set the standard for everyone. That just isn’t fair now is it?
Yes, we may enjoy watching Anime, learning about Japanese culture and Japanese language, as well as have a hankering for sushi or gyoza possibly more than the average Joe, but that doesn’t mean that we are obsessed. From personal experience, it’s more of the matter that we gain an appreciation for something so different yet so beautiful. Our minds open to what the world has to offer and, a lot of the time, anime and the like inspires us to do more than the average person would. For me? Anime was my safe haven growing up. (That a discussion for another day.) It was what inspire me to start my drawing and writing stories. With the shows being as captivating as they were, it never ceased to thrill me and keep my creativity and imagination alive. It was my second “home.” It still is.

#5: “You like Anime because you hate being Black(or whatever race you are sans Asian)” .....╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮

Edward Elric~ Fullmetal Alchemist - Courtesy of GIPHY
Yes. This has been said. I lie to you not. To those of us (including myself) who are people of color there has been an almost never ending stigma to us liking something that isn’t “stereotypically black” (i.e. rap music, hip hop music, gangsta stuff… etc). Now this is a topic that I can and will go into more depth about in a later post, but to put it simply, it’s a ridiculous notion that we only like anime to escape the reality of us “being black (or xyz)” and attempting to assimilate to another, “more preferable” race.

If you’re anything like me, this statement will definitely warrant a MAJOR facepalm. Seriously. Like...really? There may be those select few who DO see things that way, however, the majority of us like it simply because: WE LIKE IT. We are comfortable with realizing that we are not following the society norm and what is “expected” of us as people of color. We have our interests and we are okay with that. If you don’t like it? Well, that sounds like a personal problem. Eh, I won’t say problem. But, let me put it this way: You like what you like and we like what we like. No one has any right to tell another that they can’’t enjoy something. Cool Beans?
#6 : “Anime is just...weird” \-(◕⌓◕;)
Image result for weird anime gif
Courtesy of Smosh
*Le Sigh*. Okay, okay. I can give you this one. BUT it’s not the standard of ALL anime. There are some shows that can be a bit...Off...or iffy… I can’t lie to you there. For example: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. I watched the first episode of that with a gal pal of mine and the entire time was filled with “WTF?!” faces and exclamations as well as moments where we had to pause and talk about what the heck we just watched. (Yes, that show will be getting its own review post..) But, there are a plentiful amount of other shows that aren’t weird and actually have extremely in depth story lines, fabulous character development, and powerful messages. “Ouran High School Host Club”, “Naruto”, and “Fullmetal Alchemist” are a few that would fall into this category. I dare you to watch them and not be touched in the feels! I DARE YOU!

#7 : “Isn’t all Anime gay?” ゞ( ͡°⍛ ͡°)ゞ.....
Image result for yuri and yaoi anime gif
Courtesy of Amino Apps

First off, (and this is my own personal opinion soo you can take it or leave it.), even if it was, why should that matter? There are plenty of shows with homosexual characters that provide vital presences to the progression of the storyline. What they do behind closed doors or who they prefer sexually  shouldn’t affect your decision of watching the show if it has a well thought out plot/story. Now, if the acting was poor and their character had no purpose in the show, then that’s a different story altogether (and can be said about ANY character!) but I don’t believe you should judge the parameters of a show solely based off an inanimate character’s sexual preferences… that’s just me.
Image result for yuri anime gif
Courtesy of RIght Stuf//Anime Nation

Anywho, “homosexual” anime is merely a subcategory of anime just like there’s a LGBTQ section of live-action films/shows. However, they are not referred to as such. They are known as: Yaoi (for malexmale) and Yuri (femalexfemale). Some are explicit and some aren’t. It simply depends what show you watch. For example: one of my favorites was an older anime known as “Gravitation”. Granted, at the time I stumbled upon it I was pretty young and didn’t realize it was a Yaoi (yeah, I had slow moments…) but, even as I look back as an adult I still feel that it was a pretty good show. ( I liked all the singing and the performance scenes in it! They were great!) All in all, just like “regular” or “hetereosexual” anime, Yuri/Yaoi has both their good and bad shows. It merely up to you to determine which is which.

#8 : "Anime are just mindless T.V. Shows." ヾ( ˃̶⺫˂̶。)ノ....
Image result for mindless anime gif
Courtesy of NeoGAF

My dear, then you haven’t been watching the RIGHT things! Just as with everything: there are exceptions to the rule. Sometimes there are mindless shows as there are with live-action movies shows and American cartoons, however, they are a plethora of shows with a deeper meaning. Prime example: “Spirited Away”. Take a look at this movie and  you’ll find so many moral lessons, thought provoking scenes, and things that’ll make you question life itself and get you into philosophical discussions in no time!

#9 : “Anime is nothing but violence, sex, and drugs” ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ....
Image result for violent anime gif
Coutesy of Meme Center

Isn’t everything? Just turn on your t.v. to the news, to “Law and Order” or even some of the latest blockbuster hits. These are themes that occur in practically ANY medium, so why should you try to use that as an excuse to ostracize another medium? Again, there are some anime that do partake in these topics, but not all of them do. Just take a look at “Princess Tutu”. Or “Tokyo Mew Mew”. Those are innocent enough.

#10: “Anime is a bad influence on kids”ヾ(o`ε´o)                                                                                                                                                            
Image result for naruto quotes
Courtesy of Amino Apps
Alright, LAST one. *les Sigh* Part of me doesn’t want to even bother attempting to explain this and “beat the dead horse” so to speak, but I will anyway because it’s necessary. There are many things that are a bad influence on children. From the news to social media (sometimes) to regular shows that happen to be on t.v. when you turn it on. But what do you do? You monitor what your children watch or look up on the internet right? You ensure that they know what they can watch, correct? Why can’t you do the same thing with anime? For example, I’ve met kids whose favorite show is “Family Guy” or “American Dad”. What makes those shows “child appropriate” but not anime? Nothing against them, I’ve found an episode here and there to be quite entertaining, sometimes dark, but entertaining and worth a laugh. However, if you don’t even give something new a chance how do you know what potential value it could bring to your life or to the lives around you?
Image result for positive anime quotes
Courtesy of Pinterest

As I mentioned in a previous number, anime is what saved me during school. It helped ease the pain and hurt of bullying, it helped me tap into my creative side and inspire me to pursue art, voice acting, and writing, as well as provided me solace and laughter whenever I went through a hard time. It’s not all evil and “bad for the mind and soul” as some close-minded people have it hyperd up to be. It can actually be something that’s a truly powerful medium that has the ability to save people.

Image result for positive anime gif
Courtesy of GIPHY

In the end....... ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

(*^▽^)/ ~~~~~

OKAY! Enough of that! I shall save the mushy-gushy stuff for another post. So! That’s all for today’s blog of: “The Top 10 Common Misconceptions about Anime”. I hope you enjoyed it, learned something new, and got something out of it. That’s always my intention: to bring something of value to you all.

(´∇ノ`*)ノ Thank you so much for taking the time to hang out and I look forward to sharing with you my next installment: “First Impressions Friday: The Ancient Magus’ Bride Review” . This will be released this Friday, December 22, 2017  @ 8 AM. See you then!


  1. Another great post! I had to re-educate quite a few people myself about this topic and even got a new fan or two inducted LOL. PS. putting Jiraya on the anime porn section is so sneaky classic! LOL Love it and Sailor Moon at the end....boooya! Out the park again!

    1. Thank you so much! <3 Girl, sometimes you got to let them KNOW~! Kudos for introducing them to the anime world! Haha I simply had to use Jiraiya. I figured he would be fitting. And Sailor Moon needed another shout out! xD Thank you again for checking out my post! <3

  2. Lol I never heard anyone say that its a bad influence on children. People just cant wait to say that something is a bad influence. I know i used to think it was just anothet kind of cartoon because I was introduced to it on american cartoon channels. But when i went to college i learned the real deal.


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